purple Clay is a type of mineral, and many enthusiasts are aware that it is a mixture of “sand and mud,” where “mud is the flesh, and sand is the bone.”
The sandy texture is also an important characteristic of purple clay Teapots, and many friends enjoy examining this feature when looking at the pots.
As makers of purple clay teapots, we have developed various techniques for preparing the clay, including “sand blending” and “sand laying.”
After undergoing these processes, the teapot's sandy texture becomes significantly richer, presenting a more striking visual effect with unique charm.
Purple Clay Sand Blending
In the past, any master potter was first and foremost skilled in clay preparation and sand blending. Each renowned potter had their secret technique to ensure uniqueness.
Sand blending involves adding a certain proportion of cooked or semi-cooked sand particles to the raw clay to increase particle density during the clay preparation process.
When both the clay and added sand come from the same mineral source, it's called tone blending; if they come from different sources, it's called contrasting tone blending.
Sand blending not only enhances the sandy texture but also improves the malleability of the clay. If the clay is too coarse, it's difficult to work with; if too fine, it becomes sticky during shaping. Adding the right amount of sand makes the potting process easier.
The finished product, due to its rich sand content, has enhanced breathability, making it better suited for brewing Tea. Red clay and vermillion clay are sometimes blended with sand to reduce shrinkage during firing.
Purple Clay Sand Laying
Unlike sand blending, which involves adding sand during the clay preparation stage, sand laying is done after the pot's body is formed, by adding sand to the surface.
Crushed cooked sand is sprinkled onto the surface of the “greenware” using methods like spreading, dotting, or scattering, then flattened so that it embeds into the surface of the pot.
From the method, it's clear that sand laying is primarily used as a decorative element.
Differentiating between sand laying and sand blending is simple:
If it's sand blending, the texture on the inside and outside of the pot will be consistent;
If it's sand laying, there will be a spotted texture on the outside, but not on the inside.
This type of sand laying typically uses sand particles of a different color than the pot's body, and after firing, the sand particles become visible, complementing the pot beautifully.
In summary, these are all techniques related to the mixing of materials. Enthusiasts can use this knowledge to identify these features when purchasing teapots in the future.