Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?

Often, teapot enthusiasts ask: for two made from the same and with the same capacity, is a lighter one better or a heavier one? Opinions on the weight of clay teapots vary among enthusiasts.

Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?-1

Some believe that the heavier the weight, the more clay used, and thus the higher the cost-effectiveness; others think that a lighter indicates intact pores and assume that the lighter the teapot, the better the craftsmanship of the potter. Let's delve into this topic.

Before we proceed, enthusiasts should understand that a purple clay teapot is formed by surrounding with clay slabs, so its weight is determined by the thickness of these clay slabs and strips.

Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?-2

▲ Surrounding with clay

That said, the quality of a teapot is reflected in its overall shape, clay material, and workmanship, not entirely in its weight.

Manufacturing Process

In general, the thickness of a purple clay teapot's clay slab is controlled between 2-4 millimeters, except for special techniques.

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▲ Beating thin clay slabs

Most potters can accurately control the thickness of the clay slabs, so there isn't much difference in the weight of purple clay teapots made from the same clay and quantity on the market. Only beginners or those who are not yet skilled at making teapots will produce slightly thicker clay slabs, which are easier to form and provide stronger body support, ensuring a higher success rate when fired.

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▲ Thicker clay strip

The weight of a purple clay teapot has little to do with the quality of the teapot itself. It's not accurate to simply conclude that a lighter one must be better or a heavier one must be better.

For instance, early mass-produced hand-turned teapots were very light. Can we say they are not good teapots? Many machine-made teapots feel heavy in the hand. Can we say they are good teapots? I believe that as long as the weight is within a reasonable range, it's fine.

Special Techniques

In the thin-wall technique of purple clay artistry, the most distinctive feature is its lightness. The walls are so thin that the teapot can even float on .

Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?-5

▲ Comparison of the rim thickness between a thin-walled teapot and a non-thin-walled teapot

The thin-walled teapot is challenging to form and fire, easily breaking during the process. Once broken, it cannot be repaired. However, its breathability is superior to that of heavier teapots. The difficulty in workmanship tests the skill of the potter, requiring a profound understanding and confidence in the clay properties and their own craftsmanship.

The Gòng Chūn teapot, familiar to us, often appears in the form of a thin-walled teapot, demonstrating the profound skills of the purple clay artisans.

Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?-6

▲ Thin-walled Gòng Chūn

Therefore, we cannot simply judge the quality of a purple clay teapot based on its weight. As long as it is reasonable, it is acceptable.

Does the weight of a Purple Clay Teapot affect its price?-7

A lighter purple clay teapot does not indicate inferior materials or reduced craftsmanship; on the contrary, it is a test of the potter's skill. Generally, the weight difference between purple clay teapots is not significant.


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