Is Ripened Pu’er Tea Worth Long-Term Storage?

Both raw and ripened Pu'er tea have a relatively long , typically lasting around ten years under normal circumstances. Although Pu'er tea has a long shelf life, if it's not stored properly—just tossed aside without care—it can easily become moldy and unsuitable for drinking. So, is ripened Pu'er tea worth storing long-term?

Is Ripened Pu'er Tea Worth Long-Term Storage?-1

Is Ripened Pu'er Tea Worth Long-Term Storage?

Ripened Pu'er tea is made from Yunnan large- sun-dried , undergoing processes such as pile to create what is known as ripened Pu'er tea. The color of ripened Pu'er tea is dark red, with a pure and harmonious flavor and a unique aged aroma. Because of its mild nature and good health benefits, it is quite popular.

In my opinion, there should be a balance between ripened and raw Pu'er tea. This balance point is the ratio of consumption between ripened and raw Pu'er tea among tea enthusiasts. For example, for every two cakes of raw Pu'er tea consumed, one of ripened Pu'er tea is consumed. Therefore, the overall processing ratio of ripened to raw Pu'er tea by tea companies should be 1:2. However, after the speculative frenzy of the past two years, most tea companies have shifted their focus towards the production of raw Pu'er tea, gradually disrupting the balance between ripened and raw Pu'er tea.

Is Ripened Pu'er Tea Worth Long-Term Storage?-2

Why are aged raw Pu'er teas expensive? It's because they are rare. Rarity is the main reason for their significant appreciation in value. With the increasing production of raw Pu'er tea and the decreasing availability of high-quality ripened Pu'er tea, the future impact is already clear: in ten or twenty years, there will be a plethora of raw Pu'er teas available, while good-quality ripened Pu'er teas will be few and far between. It's not impossible that the price of ripened Pu'er tea could surpass that of raw Pu'er tea.

How Long Should Ripened Pu'er Tea Be Stored?

The optimal period for drinking ripened Pu'er tea is after storing it for 3 to 5 years.

At this stage, the ripened Pu'er tea is at its best, having completely rid itself of any harshness, with its internal qualities stabilizing and settling. The flavors of sweetness, purity, and smoothness gradually emerge, offering a delightful experience of sweet and fragrant, smooth and delicate taste upon careful savoring.

Is Ripened Pu'er Tea Worth Long-Term Storage?-3

Due to the artificial pile fermentation process, the internal qualities of ripened Pu'er tea have already undergone transformation during fermentation. Therefore, ripened Pu'er tea doesn't have much potential for further transformation. Storing it for 3 to 5 years is enough to eliminate any harshness.

It's important to note that if ripened Pu'er tea is stored for too long, its internal qualities may diminish, and its aroma and taste may change, making it less enjoyable to drink. Therefore, ripened Pu'er tea should be consumed within five years to avoid waste.

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