Tea does have an expiration date, which varies depending on the type of tea. If stored properly, tea not only remains fresh but can even improve in quality. Different types of tea require different storage methods. Green Tea is best stored in cans with sealed refrigeration; black tea should be kept in airtight and dry containers; Oolong tea can be stored at room temperature in double-lidded containers such as tin or Iron cans.
How should tea be stored?
During the process of storing tea, enthusiasts try every possible method to preserve its quality for as long as possible. Today, we will briefly introduce some tea storage methods that may be helpful to you.
1. Refrigerator Storage
Place the tea in a container that is both dry and odor-free, then seal it and put it in the refrigerator's chill compartment. If the amount of tea is small and very dry, it can also be directly packaged and sealed using two layers of moisture-resistant film bags before being stored in the refrigerator.
2. Canning Storage
Fill a double-lidded tin can with tea, ideally to capacity so there is little air inside, which helps prevent spoilage. Ensure both lids are tightly closed and seal any gaps with tape. Place the tea can into two layers of nylon bags and seal the Bag openings.
3. Thermos Storage
Put the tea into a thermos that is both dry and odor-free. Seal the lid tightly and use wax to seal the bottle opening.
As tea culture has influenced our lives, tea has gradually become part of daily life in many households. However, while most people enjoy Drinking Tea, they often lack knowledge about how to store it properly, which can result in losing the original flavors of the tea.
Many people, regardless of whether the tea is low or high grade, or what type it is, do not know the proper storage method and simply place it in the refrigerator without taking any precautions. This is incorrect.
Tea is highly susceptible to moisture, oxidation, and absorbing odors. If placed directly into the refrigerator, it will mix with the smells of other foods in the fridge, compromising the tea's natural fragrance. Without careful storage, when you next want to Drink the tea, it may have absorbed various odors and the resulting brew will be unpalatable. Not only is this a waste of good tea, but it's also a waste of money – truly regrettable.