How to Choose Shou Puerh: Tips for Selecting a Quality Shou Puerh Tea

Puerh is divided into raw and ripe varieties, often referred to as the “dynamic duo” of the Puerh world. Throughout Puerh history, raw Puerh has been a constant presence, while ripe Puerh is a more recent development. Despite its relative newness, ripe Puerh has quickly gained popularity due to its unique health benefits and distinct flavor profile. Both raw and ripe Puerh have their merits, so today we'll discuss how to choose a good ripe Puerh tea.

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How to Choose Ripe Puerh

① Avoid Buying Large Quantities of Loose Ripe Puerh

While loose leaf tea is convenient to , it has a significant drawback: regardless of storage conditions, the tea loses its flavor quickly and gradually loses its ability to transform, becoming increasingly bland. This applies equally to both raw and ripe Puerh.

If you only plan to consume the tea in the short term, it's recommended to buy loose leaf tea in moderate quantities, purchasing as much as you need when you need it to ensure the best tasting experience. For long-term storage, compressed forms such as cakes, bricks, and tuos are the better choice.

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② Look at the Appearance When Choosing Tea

For raw Puerh, look at the shape of the leaves, but for ripe Puerh, focus on the appearance. Whether it's a brick or a , when opening the tea, pay attention to the ratio of leaves to stems. Ripe Puerh with many leaves and buds may not be very durable when brewed, but it offers rich flavors and a thick mouthfeel; teas with more stems are made from older leaves, which are more durable during but lack complexity in taste.

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③ Buy Older Rather Than Newer for the Same Variety of Ripe Puerh

The heap fermentation flavor of new ripe Puerh is often the most challenging aspect for consumers. The heap fermentation flavor in new ripe Puerh is unavoidable, varying in intensity depending on the degree of fermentation and the level of craftsmanship. To dissipate this flavor, the tea needs to be stored for an extended period.

When buying ripe Puerh, it's recommended to choose older versions of the same variety. For example, if choosing between the same product from the same producer in 2018 and 2019, opt for the 2018 vintage. It's rare for newer ripe Puerh to be considered better than older versions—the concept of “the older, the better” was originally observed in ripe Puerh, where aged teas tend to have richer flavors and aromas.

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