How Long is the Shelf Life of Tea and How to Store It

How long is the of tea, and how should it be stored? Typically, the shelf life of sealed packaged tea is between 18 to 24 months, which will be indicated on the packaging. Loose tea has an even shorter shelf life. When purchasing, try to choose fresh tea from the current year.

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How Long is the Shelf Life of Tea
1. White Tea
White tea improves with age; proper storage is essential to achieve the saying that it is “a one-year tea, three-year medicine, seven-year treasure.”
2. Yellow Tea
Yellow tea is a type of . Its production process is similar to that of but includes an additional piling step. Thus, like green tea, yellow tea has a shelf life of around one year.
3. Green Tea
Freshness is generally preferred for most teas. The shelf life of green tea is typically around one year under normal temperature conditions.

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The shelf life of black tea is usually quite short, typically one year. Second flush and autumn black teas have a shelf life of 1-2 years.
5. Dark Tea (Pu'er)
Pu'er tea comes in raw and ripe varieties. Raw Pu'er generally has a shelf life of around five years, while ripe Pu'er, through special , improves with age and can last over 15 years.
6. Oolong Tea (Qingcha)
The shelf life of oolong tea isn't clearly defined; key factors are the moisture content of the tea and the moisture-proof properties of its packaging.

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How to Store Tea
1. Avoid High Temperatures. Under high temperatures, tea tends to darken. As temperature rises, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, and aromatic compounds in the tea degrade, reducing quality, aroma, and flavor. Different teas have varying temperature requirements, so it's best to consult when purchasing.
2. Avoid Moisture. Tea is a porous plant material that readily absorbs moisture from the air, leading to mold and spoilage. It must be stored in dry conditions.
3. Avoid Sunlight. Strong sunlight causes oxidation of chlorophyll and alcohols in tea, compromising its quality and rendering it unsuitable for consumption.

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4. Avoid Odors. All teas should not be stored with items that have strong odors. The compounds in tea make it susceptible to absorbing surrounding odors. Storing it with fragrant products can result in the tea acquiring unwanted flavors, losing its original aroma.
Storing tea isn't difficult as long as these points are considered. Additionally, different types of tea have varying shelf lives. Some do not benefit from long-term storage, so it's best to consume teas with shorter shelf lives within their expiry dates.

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