Characteristics of the Ancient Tree Tea from Bulang Mountain

There is a saying in the Pu'er world: “If you don't understand Bulang Mountain, you don't understand Pu'er tea.” Many newcomers to the world of tea may wonder: Why does one need to understand Bulang Mountain to truly understand Pu'er tea?

Characteristics of the Ancient Tree Tea from Bulang Mountain-1

Bulang Mountain has become renowned worldwide for its tea. This ancient tea mountain, located within , Xishuangbanna, is situated in the southwestern border region of China, closer to the Myanmar border than other famous mountains. It is a well-known Pu'er tea production area and one of the regions with the most preserved ancient tea gardens.

The existence of Bulang Mountain and the age-old tea trees upon it are shrouded in mystery. Whether the mountain predates the ancient tea trees or vice versa remains unknown; however, the teas from Bulang Mountain have certainly gained global recognition.

Bulang Mountain is named after the ethnic minority that resides there. The have lived in the mountain and cultivated tea for over a thousand years. They are among the earliest known cultivators, processors, and consumers of tea in the world.

Characteristics of the Ancient Tree Tea from Bulang Mountain-2

The absolute elevation of Bulang Mountain ranges from 1,000 to 2,200 meters, with relative height differences of 500 to 1,000 meters. The region enjoys abundant sunlight and rainfall, with an average annual precipitation of 1,374 millimeters and an annual average temperature of 18°C to 21°C. These natural conditions have contributed to the legendary status of Bulang Mountain's tea in the Pu'er tea world.

Bulang Mountain has a subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by abundant sunlight and rainfall. The natural barriers provided by the Ailao Mountains and the Wuliang Mountains create a climate that is mild all year round, with no harsh winters or scorching summers. The average altitude is around 1,500 meters, and the distinct vertical climate provides ideal conditions for tea growth, resulting in a unique flavor profile for the teas from Bulang Mountain.

Characteristics of Ancient Tea from Bulang Mountain

The tea trees in Bulang Mountain Pu'er are mostly large or small trees, producing teas with a distinctive aroma, locally referred to as sweet tea (in contrast to Laoman'e). The tea leaves are robust and covered in fine downy hair, offering a rich taste with significant bitterness and astringency, followed by a quick return to sweetness. The infused leaves are yellow-green, and the tea provides a slightly stronger stimulation on the tongue, with a pronounced bitterness on the middle and back part of the palate and a strong, aromatic flavor.

Characteristics of the Ancient Tree Tea from Bulang Mountain-3

Taste Profile of Ancient Tree Tea from Bulang Mountain — Bitterness and Astringency Among the various tea regions in , the bitterness and astringency of Bulang Mountain's teas leave a deep impression on those who have tasted them. These qualities can be described as intense, but they are not due to the use of pesticides, fertilizers, or processing issues. The bitterness dissipates, and the astringency transforms over time. When the bitterness and astringency are particularly strong, the transformation process is slower, leading to a more pronounced return to sweetness and a stronger sensation of salivation.

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