What are the benefits and effects of black tea?

Black tea is a fully , with a dark brown, lustrous appearance and a sweet, rich aroma, hence its name. Its main benefits include aiding digestion, tonifying the stomach, promoting diuresis, and reducing swelling.

What are the benefits and effects of black tea?-1

One, it has a stimulating and fatigue-relieving effect as black tea can excite the central nervous system, accelerate circulation, which helps metabolic processes, enabling concentration and relieving fatigue.

Two, black tea has a saliva-stimulating and heat-clearing effect. The polyphenols, sugars, amino acids, pectin, and other components in black tea can stimulate saliva secretion. The it contains can control the hypothalamic temperature center, maintaining physiological balance within the body, achieving the effects of stimulating saliva production and clearing heat.

What are the benefits and effects of black tea?-2

Three, drinking black tea has a diuretic and de-swelling effect. Black tea contains caffeine, which can dilate the microvessels of the kidneys, inhibit water reabsorption by the renal tubules, increase urine output, helping to eliminate lactic acid, uric acid, excess salts, harmful substances, etc., from the body, thus alleviating edema caused by heart disease or kidney disease.

Four, black tea has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. The catechins in black tea can bind with single-cell bacteria, causing the bacterial proteins to coagulate and precipitate, thereby inhibiting and eliminating pathogens. In folk medicine, concentrated black tea decoctions are often used to treat wounds and bedsores. It also has a detoxifying effect; the theabalkins in black tea can adsorb heavy metals and alkaloids, precipitating and decomposing them for from the body, providing detoxifying and health-preserving benefits.

What are the benefits and effects of black tea?-3

Five, black tea has bone-strengthening effects. The polyphenols in black tea can inhibit substances that destroy bone cells. Long-term consumption can strengthen bones and tendons, and prevent osteoporosis in women.

Six, black tea has anti-aging effects. Black tea is rich in antioxidants that can completely disrupt the chemical pathways in cancer cells, demonstrating significant anti-aging and anticancer properties.

What are the benefits and effects of black tea?-4

Seven, it has stomach-nourishing and stomach-protecting effects. Because black tea is a fully fermented tea, it can nourish the stomach and promote digestion. Adding sugar or milk to black tea can have anti-inflammatory and protective effects on the gastric mucosa, with some efficacy for gastric ulcers.

Eight, black tea has a strengthening effect on the heart. Black tea can excite the circulatory system and the heart, enhancing cardiac function, accelerating blood circulation, and promoting metabolism, providing .

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