Puer Tea: The Main Force for Health Maintenance

The sustained attention to health has long been one of the main themes in today's society and an important part of improving our quality of life. Seeking a healthier lifestyle has become a common consensus among many people. Among these, the role of tea is significant.

The remarkable aspect of Puer tea is that soaking a few leaves in water creates a that can bring health benefits, with Puer tea standing out among them.

When we delve into the microscopic world and examine the primary components of Puer tea, there are hidden wonders of health.

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Tea Polyphenols: The Main Forces that Can Attack and Defend

Tea polyphenols are the general term for about 30 types of phenolic substances hidden in Puer tea, which is a major chemical component of the tea and one of the main sources of its color, aroma, and taste. In terms of health preservation, tea polyphenols also hold a dominant position, like a main force, helping us maintain the health of our bodies.

Tea polyphenols have impressive fighting power and strong physiological activity, efficiently eliminating “free radicals” within the body. Free radicals are harmful substances produced during human respiration of oxygen, resulting from excessive oxidative reactions in the body. If not cleared in time, their powerful oxidation can damage tissues and cells, causing chronic diseases and accelerating aging. For women who care about their appearance, clearing free radicals is key to maintaining youthful looks.

In addition, tea polyphenols can reduce cholesterol levels in the body, prevent the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, and promote the conversion and circulation of cholesterol, reducing its deposition on the inner walls of blood vessels. The tea pigments in tea polyphenols also have potential lipid-lowering functions, reducing plasma viscosity, playing an anti-atherosclerotic effect, and having a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on cardiovascular diseases.

The tea forces can attack and defend. With today's food safety and air pollution issues often troubling us in daily life, the defense provided by tea polyphenols in Puer tea gives us some peace of mind. This is because tea polyphenols have a strong adsorption effect on heavy metals and excellent radiation resistance functions, absorbing radioactive substances and effectively preventing them from invading bone marrow and spreading throughout the body.

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Alkaloids: A “Shot” of Energy for Health

Modern lifestyles often involve late nights and deprivation, leading to a lackluster spirit due to disrupted circadian rhythms. Everyone has experienced such a “frightening ordeal.” At such times, one often needs a “shot” of energy to revitalize themselves. But this “shot” should be healthy, and here, another substance in Puer tea—alkaloids—becomes very useful.

The alkaloids in Puer tea are mainly purine alkaloids, with caffeine being the main component, which is significantly higher in content than in other types of tea. After , over 80% of the caffeine dissolves in boiling water. This special type of alkaloid has pharmacological effects that include stimulating the central nervous system, relieving fatigue, and reducing the toxic effects of alcohol and nicotine on the body.

Caffeine in Puer tea is also beneficial for our often-abused stomachs and intestines. Caffeine can neutralize stomach acid, improve digestive function, enhance fat breakdown, and have a stomach-nourishing and cholesterol-lowering effect. Caffeine and theophylline also have diuretic effects and can relax smooth muscle in blood vessels, allowing for vessel expansion.

Additionally, Chinese diets tend to be high in salt, leading to excess sodium ions in the body, which increases blood volume and puts pressure on blood vessel walls. Caffeine and theophylline can decompose sodium ions in the blood, aiding in sodium excretion and indirectly contributing to the potential relief of hypertension.

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Amino Acids & Vitamins:

The Best “Wingmen” for Healthy Puer Tea

In addition to the major components mentioned above, amino acids and vitamins also contribute to the health-preserving effects of Puer tea, making them the best “wingmen,” as they are two essential substances for the normal functioning of the human body. Their presence together in Puer tea enhances its already rich health benefits.

Puer tea contains a certain amount of amino acids, and the amino acids in tea are easily soluble in water, imparting a fresh sweetness. Among various amino acids, one called theanine is unique to tea plants and rare in other plants. Theanine is transported into the brain by the body's delivery system, producing a familiar substance—dopamine. Dopamine can create a feeling of excitement and pleasure, which may be one reason why drinking tea can uplift one's mood. Dopamine is indispensable, as its absence can lead to conditions like Parkinson's disease and nerve weakness.

Moreover, Puer tea contains various vitamins, primarily , vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, niacin, and vitamin E, all necessary nutrients for the human body. More importantly, they work synergistically with caffeine and tea polyphenols to produce pharmacological effects, achieving greater overall benefits than the vitamins could alone.

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This article is excerpted from

“Amazing, Our Puer Tea”

Author: Ya-Ran Wang

Originally published in Puer Magazine

If there are any copyright issues, please contact us for removal.

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