The Correct Brewing Method for Chenpi Pu’er Tea

First, prepare a lidded bowl, a fairness cup, tasting cups, a strainer, a tea towel, etc. Scald the lidded bowl and other tea utensils with boiling water. Then, add 6 grams of Pu'er tea leaves and 2 grams of Chenpi (aged orange ), pour in 100°C boiling water, and quickly rinse the tea (discard the rinse water). Next, pour water over the tea in a circular motion, cover the bowl, and after about 5 seconds, strain the tea into the fairness cup. Finally, pour it into the cups to drink.

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The Correct Method for Chenpi Pu'er Tea

I. Broken Brewing Method

1. Open the outer packaging and take out an intact small green tangerine.

2. Crush the small green tangerine gradually and put the peel and tea together in a cup.

3. Pour boiling water over them. Rinse the tea once and then give it a second rinse. For this brewing method, be sure to decant the tea quickly to avoid overly strong or bitter and flavors.

4. After five infusions, you can gradually increase the time to maintain the taste and flavor of the tea.

5. It can be brewed around thirteen times. Additionally, because Pu'er tea infuses quickly, its durability is reduced, and the fruit peel's components dissolve more slowly, leading to a milder peel aroma and less balanced flavor.

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II. Whole Brewing Method

1. Boil a pot of water, then open the tea packaging;

2. Take out the Chenpi Pu'er tea and remove the top of the Chenpi. Place it in the lidded bowl;

3. Pour boiling water until it is seven-tenths full. Rinse the tea once and give it a second rinse, and from the third infusion, steep for 7 seconds before decanting;

4. Gradually increase the steeping time afterward, and finally pour the tea into cups for drinking.

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III. Boiling Method

As the name suggests, this involves boiling the Newhui Chenpi and Pu'er tea together in a pot. If you prefer not to steep your tea but like to boil your tea leaves, this method is for you. Newhui Chenpi is suitable for boiling, but Pu'er tea infuses very quickly. If placed directly in boiling water, the tea will become very concentrated. Therefore, when using this method, you should first steep the Pu'er tea in a lidded bowl four or five times before boiling it with the Newhui Chenpi. This ensures that the Pu'er tea does not overpower the Newhui Chenpi's flavor.

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IV. Custom Brewing Method

① Prepare the tea: Take 4 grams of Pu'er tea and 2 grams of Chenpi and set aside.

② Rinse the tea: After warming the cup, rinse the tea in the lidded bowl with boiling water and discard the rinse water.

③ Add water: Add 600 milliliters of cold water to a teapot (a silver or clay pot is recommended).

④ Boil the tea: Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a gentle simmer and cook for half an hour until small bubbles, resembling crab eyes, appear.

⑤ Serve the tea: Turn off the heat and let it sit for 5 minutes before serving and drinking.

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