Those who love Tea know that drinking raw Pu'er tea is good for health, but do you know how to drink it correctly? Below is an introduction on the proper way to consume raw Pu'er tea.
1. Many women hope to lose weight by drinking Pu'er tea. If you want to lose weight, remember to drink raw Pu'er tea half an hour after a meal. This is because after eating oily food, Pu'er tea can help eliminate the grease and promptly remove excess fat from your body.
2. Drinking raw Pu'er tea half an hour after a meal is most suitable; drinking it before a meal is not recommended as tannins in the tea can cause stones. However, if your Digestion is good, you can drink it half an hour after eating.
3. Pu'er tea becomes more fragrant and better tasting with age. For some new raw Pu'er teas, they taste better after being stored for one or two years compared to drinking them immediately. However, it's important to store them under appropriate conditions to achieve the “better with age” effect.
4. Raw Pu'er tea has a cooling nature and is more suitable to drink during summer, providing a cooling effect and relieving heat. On the other hand, ripe Pu'er tea is warming and is better suited for Winter consumption, offering comfort and warmth to the Stomach.