How Many Infusions of Black Tea Are Best to Enjoy

Infusing 3-5 times is generally best, as continued infusions will result in a very light flavor. However, high-quality black teas can be infused over 10 times, such as Jin Junmei and ancient black teas. When infusing high-grade black teas, you can use water at 100 degrees Celsius.

How Many Infusions of Black Tea Are Best to Enjoy-1

The techniques for infusing black tea, so you don't waste it.

Tea enthusiasts know that black tea is delicious, but the taste can vary when brewed by different people.

For example, if the tea is steeped for too long or too much tea is used, the flavor changes. Knowing some infusion techniques can help bring out the aroma and taste of the tea.

Today, I'd like to share some techniques for infusing black tea,

How Many Infusions of Black Tea Are Best to Enjoy-2

[Black Tea Infusion Techniques]

Choice of teaware: glassware, ceramic covered bowls, clay pots

Amount of tea: 5-8g

Water temperature: 85-90°C

time: For the first three infusions of black tea, the tea can generally be poured out immediately, with subsequent infusions allowing for slightly longer steeping times.

How Many Infusions of Black Tea Are Best to Enjoy-3

Number of infusions: 5-6 is optimal

1. During the first infusion, about 50% to 55% of the soluble substances in the tea are extracted;

2. The second infusion extracts around 30%, the third about 10%, and the fourth only 2% to 3%.

Most black teas can be infused 3-5 times, while some exceptionally high-quality black teas, such as Jin Junmei and Yunnan ancient tree black teas, can be infused over ten times. For these high-quality black teas, boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius can be used directly for infusion.

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